Wednesday, September 21, 2011

They call me ResLife, 'cause I got no life.

 One of my obligations as a Resident Advisor is to keep my staff, residents, and any random passersby who come to my room looking for me informed about my approximate location/actions at all times by way of a "Where Am I?" sign posted visibly next to my door. Each RA makes his/her own, so our personalities really come out in what places and pursuits we choose to include on our sign, e.g. the RA whose sign includes an option for "Beating people up (at rugby practice)." I'm not much for beating people up, except maybe verbally, so that's obviously not on my sign. I do, however, have an option for "at the library," which I only included because most other RAs do and I didn't want to seem any less studious than anyone else; honestly, studying in the library stresses me out. Still, with the exception of the option indicating that I "fell down a well; please help," most of my Wheres are vague, nonspecific, and vaguely dishonest about specifics. If I were to be completely truthful, the sign would read something a little more like this:

-Taking an afternoon nap but am ashamed to admit it
-Lounging casually in my underwear
-Watching Glee
-Watching YouTube videos and, embarrassingly, actually LOLing
-Singing to myself
-Facebook stalking
-Really focusing on painting my nails
-Listening to one song on endless repeat, hoping no one around can hear
-Engrossed in non-required reading and will probably become violent if disturbed
-Eating dinner alone from a takeout box with a flagrant disregard for table etiquette
-Huddled in bed, recovering from an excess of interpersonal interaction and, quite frankly, avoiding you all

Ah, well. Another semester, another few months of lying to my residents about my whereabouts.