Saturday, September 13, 2014

Vlogging in Manchester.

Proof that this face does not belong in front of the camera.
 What's going on? Why am I in Manchester? Why is this hotel so fancy? Find out the answers to these deeply unimportant questions by clicking the play button below!

P.S. After actually watching the video myself, I realize I never made it clear why I'm spending the night in luxury I clearly can't afford: there was literally nowhere else available within a 5-mile radius of the airport tonight (so cab fare both ways would have negated the difference in cost), leaving two options: grit my teeth while handing over my weary debit card with at least a plush, spacious bed for the night to look forward to; or try to survive the night in Manchester Airport without being subjected to whatever unspeakable horrors befall young women dozing off alone in empty transit stations. I'd much rather work however many minimum-wage hours it takes to afford this rather than become a sensational tabloid headline tomorrow. Also, this bed is no joke. The ceilings are high enough for me to jump on it if I wanted...not that I would, or anything.
P.P.S. Sorry my hair kept trying to steal the scene. I've been trying for twenty years, but it just can't be tamed.